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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Perfect White Stone

I walked on the beach this morning looking for it.  Instead there were a lot of broken pieces of shells.  I saw in those broken pieces that which represents people's lives.  Many lives are broken pieces, hurting people.  Please, Jesus, take these broken pieces.

As Jesus scoops these broken pieces into His hands, He breathes on them.  He mends broken lives as He pours His powerful love upon them.  He can restore the broken pieces to wholeness.  There is hope and healing found in Jesus.
Run! Run!  into the arms of Jesus.

What about the perfect white stone?  The Lord told me I would not find it.  Jesus is the Perfecter!  It is Jesus' righteousness, love, and blood that covers us that we can go before the Father in "Perfectness".
We will always be imperfect here on this earth but when Jesus comes for His bride we will be as the perfect white stone.

I had written this not knowing this scripture in Revelation until someone told me.
Awesome!  The white stone is mentioned in Revelation 2:17b "I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it."

So beautiful, Lord, the Perfect White Stone.   All my praise to You, O God!

written by Arlene Miner

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