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Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Wheel???

A wheel, Lord?  Why a wheel?

"I want you to become as a wheel."

I know of the wheel spoken of by Ezekiel.  This wheel was moved by the Holy Spirit.  Wherever the Spirit would go the wheel(s) would go.  Lord, I want to be in motion, moving along empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit.  I want to go where the Spirit goes.

"Move in the direction of My Spirit."

Oh, the effects of the "wheel".  This "wheel" empower by the Holy Spirit with Agape love can reach out to others and minister love and compassion.  They will know the effects of the "wheel" when kindness and gentleness are displayed.

"I abide in you and you abide in Me."
written by Arlene Miner

1 comment:

  1. Arlene, I would like to exchange follows. I will follow you, please follow my blog at colossians2.com. Thanks
